Hearing Aids and Devices

Selecting Hearing Aids at Our Practice

  • Tailored Technology: Your audiologist will match the device’s technology level to your hearing loss and lifestyle requirements.
  • Budget Consideration: Patients are encouraged to communicate their budget preferences with their audiologist.
  • Style Insights: Patients should be aware of the pros and cons associated with different hearing aid styles.
  • Trial Period: A trial period to test the effectiveness of the hearing aids is recommended.
  • Personalisation: Patients have the freedom to choose the preferred style and color of their hearing aid/s.
  • Fitting and Adjustment Process: It’s essential for patients to comprehend the fitting and adjustment procedures for their hearing aids.

Myths About Hearing Aids

  • Size Determines Cost: Contrary to belief, smaller in-the-ear hearing aids aren’t necessarily pricier.
  • High Cost: While some assume hearing aids are excessively costly, various options are available at different price points.
  • Affordability Issue: Financial constraints don’t always mean you can’t access a hearing aid solution.
  • Battery Misconceptions: It’s not true that hearing aid batteries are never replaced; they do require changing. Should you have a rechargable lithium battery, this should be charged every evening.
  • Durability Assumption: Hearing aids don’t last indefinitely; they’re sensitive to factors like sweat, humidity, and earwax. Hearing aids must be serviced annually, cleaned and filters/tubing/domes, etc must be replaced regularly.
  • Restoring Normal Hearing: Hearing aids can enhance hearing but won’t necessarily restore it to a completely normal state.